Witchlight Lost 11/02/2024

After exiting the traveling Inn at the End of the Road, the Witchlight Lost are trying to decide whether to investigate the large tree stump they see in the distance,…

Curse of Strahd 10/26/2024

Dannika couldn’t procure the horses for the journey to the Amber Temple yet, so the Squishies decided to investigate the reports of werewolves in the area. As they left Vallaki…

Curse of Strahd 09/07/2024

The party returns to Vallaki after their long siege of Argynvostholt. Xylil excuses themselves to head to the Church of St. Andral, while Rasper heads off on his own to…

Witchlight Lost 8/17/2024

The party now in the Feywild, find themselves on the bridge, that seems to be crumbling in some areas. Bow goes to explore over the edge and finds a little…

Curse of Strahd 08/10/2024

The battle with Sir Vladimir Horngaard began, as the party sought to end their trials in Argynvostholt. Esmeralda tried to keep the Phantom Warriors at bay, while others tried to…

Witchlight Lost 06/29/2024

The dark beach and the zombie pirates rolled out no welcome for our heroes. They fought back the advancing pirates that seemed to be intent on pulling a ship from…