The 19th Century Paranormal Investigator: Chapter 21

I am finding myself more and more perplexed. My studies were more on the material reality of demonic beings. To think they could draw power from a concept is baffling to me. Is it a trick? Is it a lie? Nothing to do but trust it if it’s the truth, and play along until I can figure it out if it isn’t.

Seeking Dusk: Part 12

\"To see all five of them here together... It is rarer than seeing two of the Archangels. And while it should be their decision, I must admit, I am curious as to why they\'re here.\"

The Elysian: Fourteenth Dream

The wind kicks up around me, throwing dirt and leaves through the air. I squint and put my arms up to protect my face. The wind sounds like it\'s laughing. Something maniacal. “Wind, leaf, dirt and rock. Our dear mortal is in for a shock...\"

Seeking Dusk: Part 11

\"They were coming.\" \"They don\'t normally come down to earth. They normally speak directly with the Seraphim, Archangels and Principalities. Why they would come down to the planet is beyond me. Unless something were to threaten the very fabric from which reality is woven.\"

The 19th Century Paranormal Investigator: Chapter 19

\"As many things as I have done in my life, few can match the plethora of low level demons I killed, the young boy I discovered with his unique talents, facing a partially corporeal demon, summoning and trapping a ghost only to discover it is not a ghost, all the while, trying not to die while exorcising two demons possessing such a large estate.\" I suppose when I say it all like that, my day certainly seems much more amazing than I ever really considered.\"

The Elysian: Thirteenth Dream

\"I soared on, the trees whizzing past us. This sideways forest was growing on me, no pun intended. After getting used to the insane spectacle of it all, it was an interesting thought. Do the birds fly like me? Or do they fly perpendicular to the ground? Which way will the water in the river flow?\"

Neon Noir: The Tenth Beat

\"The apartment building loomed over him. He needed to go in, draw the attention of any hired goons watching and notify Vash so she can get the hidden cash. And no killing. Not that he had an issue with that last edict.\"

The 19th Century Paranormal Investigator: Chapter 18

Con closes his eyes and starts to think. I can only hope he\'s thinking of the proper concept for this procedure. Maintaining the spell requires something of a hard emotion. A feeling so strong, it overpowers every other thought you have at that moment. Without it, the ritual will be all for naught. I want to make sure he has that idea first, before we move on to the incantation.

Blog: Madison

It's been four years since we lost you. It's been four years and three days since I last saw you. It's been four years minus two days since I found…