Curse of Strahd 05/18/2024

The party regrouped at the wagon down in Krezk. They tried to make a quick escape, but the burgomaster of the town, Dmitri Krezkov, stops and questions them before they leave. They try to claim they did nothing, but then switch tactics and boldly declare they fought off the Abbott and killed him. Not wanting any more trouble, Krezkov allows them to leave, but tells them they aren’t allowed back.

Meanwhile, back in Vallaki, Altheon and Ripper are watching over Lia by hanging out at the tavern and drinking. However, Altheon soon notices that there’s some hustle and bustle outside and decides to take a look. Villagers are carrying building materials and wood over to the north part of town, where the circus wagons have also been moved. Investigating, he soon finds the circus troupe and villagers building stalls and a stage, ostensibly for a new market, but actually for the upcoming circus. Slightly distracted by Findex, the dragonborn strong man, Altheon does see the acrobat tabaxi twins talking to specific villagers, and handing out notes. As they pass close to Altheon, they drop one of their notes. Ripper stealthily walks over and grabs it, handing it off to Altheon. However, the druid looks at it and can’t make out what it’s supposed to be. Best guess is a recipe of some kind.

The rest of the party makes it back, noticing the circus wagons have been moved. They head to the tavern and inform Dannika of the results of their mission. She thanks them and talks a little about Rictavio’s plan. She doesn’t know much, but she does seem to know that the circus is a distraction from his real plan. They head out to pay him a visit, but Qwib Qwib stops when she notices Esmeralda returning with what appears to be a werewolf pelt on her back. She separates from the group and makes amends with the hunter, and the two go turn in the pelt for a bounty. Afterwards, they go to the tavern for a drink.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party meets up with Altheon, Ripper, and Lia, and then go to talk with Rictavio. They tell him what happened with the Abbott, and while he seems surprised, he’s grateful they took care of a possible ally of Strahd. He tells the groups they should go back to the tavern and ask Urwin for their reward (500gp), and see if they can help setting up the new “market”. While helping out, Azalea hears tell of werewolf sightings around the wilderness outside of town. Xylill meanwhile hears rumor of Strahd’s power.

Talking with one of the peasants a little more, it seems like there’s talk about something from Strahd’s past. The source of his power or the means to control the dark lord. Wanting to see if there’s anything to it, they go to talk with Dannika again. As a member of the Keepers of the Feather, Dannika does seem to know something, but gives the answer cryptically. She says there’s rumor of something dangerous in the mountains of southern Barovia. To that end, she advised investigating a nearby abandoned fortress for equipment that might help them survive if something dangerous comes for them.


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