Storm King’s Thunder 08/23/2024

With the group knowing they need to be careful with their six questions, Trowa immediately uses one to ask about Bohdan’s condition. Luckily, Bohdan’s condition is tied to the fate of the giants, so they are given an answer. Unfortunately, the answer involved restoring the Ordning, a monumental task. In their continued questioning, they learn that the best way to help stop the Giants is to find at least 2 magic conches held by the Giant Lords, used to transport them to the court of King Hekaton. There, they must help Princess Serissa as her two older sisters are plotting against her. Unbeknownst to the sisters, they are being led astray by a greater evil named Iymrith.

Eigeron helpfully shows the party on their map where the different dens of the Giant lords are located. He also helpfully teaches Araboe how to better utilize her runic magic. In return, not wanting to leave Eigeron’s spirit to get lonely, Bohdan reaches into him and tries to use the strange affliction to allow Eigeron to pass on or something. Bohdan is able to feel a click, as their abilities seem to release the spirit. Rather than moving on, Eigeron is freed from being trapped in the room of the oracle and steps back through the portal to the main temple.

As the party is happy to be given the right path, a figure enters the temple across from them. A blonde woman in blue robes walks up, seeming to talk to herself. She muses on how she looked all over the top of the mountains for this temple and Annam seemed to have hidden it much further down than she ever expected it to be. The party tries to hide a bit, while Alphonse flies over and tries to sneakily detect magic on the woman. Immediately, he is hit with more magic power wafting off of her than he’s ever felt before.

Soon her conversation to herself shifts to acknowledge she knows the party is there. She wants to thank them for helping find this temple before she destroys it and kills them all. When she reveals her name is Iymrith, Trowa recognizes it, not just from the oracle, but from the book on the Thousand Year War (Giant/Dragon War) he borrowed from the Imre estate. He reveals she’s a dragon, which she doesn’t seem to enjoy having spoiled. She transforms into her normal form, that of a large ancient blue dragon, and attacks the statue of Annam in the center of the temple.

With the statue desecrated, the temple starts to come down. Before it can, and before Iymrith can kill everyone there, Faezorwyn invokes the divine intervention of Selune and holds off the collapsing building and the advancing dragon. She has Doe pick up who he can and get the party out of there. Before he leaves, she mentally communicates with Trowa, asking him to believe in the Harpers and restore them to their purpose if he can.

The party rushes out through the crack in the mountain they found earlier, slicing through some ice spiders as they do, eventually getting outside. As they climb down and back to the mountain path, they hear the temple finish collapsing, and the wingbeat of Iymrith as she takes off and flies away.


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