Storm King’s Thunder 09/20/2024

After the harrowing events at the temple, the party walks further into the canyon until they’re sure they are out of range of Iymrith. They find an outcrop to make camp.

Bohdan has a slight mental break over all the crazy things they’ve experienced since Wave Echo Cave, and ends up separating from a strange shadow-self. The shadow seems to move independently but also seems helpful. More importantly, the strange, nigh-painful sensation they’d experienced had partially subsided. When they reabsorbed the shadow, the sensation came back.

Bohdan and Araboe go hunting while Alphonse and Trowa prepare the camp. While alone, the two talk about Trowa’s responsibilities and Alphonse’s promise to Anduviel. Trowa feels the weight of his world, and the loss of Wynn weighs heavily.

Regrouped at camp, the party considers which of the Giant Lords to go after. The Frost Giants would allow Araboe to help her father, and they’re close by. The Hill Giants are known for their lack of cleverness and might be easy pickings. The party have the most familiarity with Fire Giants, and know their goals. Cloud Giants would be difficult to track, as their castle is on the move. Lastly, not much is known about the Stone Giants, and their location is the furthest away from the party at the moment.

That night, everyone has a strange dream.

The following day, the party decides to notify Faint Drop about Iymrith with a, shall we say, sassy message. While continuing their trek, they encounter some dwarves and a gnome who seem suspicious of the group. After some back and forth, one of the dwarves warns the party about Frost Giants up ahead who took their items. The party offers to get their stuff back. Araboe is a little eager to fight these giants.

After a quick fight, the giants are slain, and the miners items are returned. The one dwarf is grateful, while the other and gnome are still a little suspicious. But the parties part on decent terms.

Back at Mirabar, the number of refugees has increased and the lines to get in the city are long. Trowa tries to get them in by dropping to the guards that he’s with the Harpers. However, since the Harpers were last known to try and operate an illegal teleportation circle, they aren’t exactly in the best of standing with the city.

Seeing no other alternative, the party contacts Faint Drop to see if she can get them in. An hour later, the party is being escorted to the Mage’s Tower by guards.


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