Neon Noir: The Sixth Beat

Ryan wasn’t sure what his boss heard on the other end of the line, but she seemed to freeze when the call connected. Her tone became far quieter, too quiet for Ryan’s curiosity to get the better of him. After a quick exchange, her bravado was back as she spoke.

The Elysian: Fifth Dream

She raises a hand and snaps her fingers. In the flash of a cosmic loading screen, we’re in orbit around a familiar blue marble. The oceans gently move beneath me, as the cloud swirl over familiar continents. Somewhere on that planet is home. If I can’t find a way to get back in my body, I’ll have to remember this way back to this place.

Neon Noir: The Fifth Beat

“How was your nap, copper?” The thin one set his bucket upside down and sat on it. A little bit of the water dripped out under him. “Well, I woke up. Couldn’t have been all bad, I guess.”

The Elysian: Fourth Dream

“I have to find Earth? Doesn’t that seem a little bit...” “Impossible? Of course,” Luna tells me. “But then you’ve pointed out all the impossible things you’ve seen today. Why…

Neon Noir: The Fourth Beat

As she moves throughout her morning ritual preparing the coffee, the notices a card out of the corner of her eye. It was plain. White. A series of numbers scribbled on the front. As her coffee brewed, Vash couldn’t keep her mind off it. When was the last time she dialed a phone number manually?

The Elysian: Third Dream

\"It happened both fast and slow. Like raising a dimmer switch, but the light was always on in the first place. The twinkling lights, swirling dust, explosions of light and balls of fire whizzing by, all suspended in a field of literal nothingness.\" - Mr. Rodriguez

Neon Noir: The Third Beat

Detective Robert Howell was not the biggest supporter of prohibition when it was initially talked about. Now he’s made it his personal mission to uphold the new law, and bring in every bootlegger. He’s gained the nickname of “The Wolf” among the gangs in Capital City.

Neon Noir: The Second Beat Vash has fought long and hard to own her night club. She stays ahead of the law, remains in the two families’ good graces, and keeps her suppliers happy…

Neon Noir: The First Beat The year is 1927. Prohibition is in full effect. And Capital City has the most advanced tech available. The entire city seems to move to a beat, as the…

The Elysian: Second Dream

I scream as Death had snuck up behind me. Again. “I apologize for the surprise, but you seemed puzzled.” My heart is racing in my chest. How often do I…